Research needs practice and vice versa
Once a year, representatives from six universities from six different countries meet to discuss current developments in research. This year, the so-called “Hexagonal-Research-Group” came together from 27. – 29. September 2017 in the Natural Laboratory Altenberg an der Rax.
The central question was: “How can areas of spatial tension be transformed into opportunities for affected regions?” The topics of the lectures ranged from ecotourism and agriculture to risk assessment of landmines to climate change and natural hazards.
To develop the best possible solutions, research and practice must go hand in hand. Using the example of “Integrated Flood Risk Management in Practice“, Nicolas Fischer and Cornelia Jöbstl have shown how this can be realized.
The conference proceeding is available via “Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung” of the University of Graz.
The Hexagonal-Research-Group