
Years ago, experiments for the visualization of water flows could only be conducted in research institutes, which demanded high costs and effort. Since the 1990s, computer software for the calculation of the water levels in river cross sections is in use. The latest innovation is the 2D runoff-simulation – river landscape is depicted digitally as a mesh.
The advantages of digital solutions predominate. Common software nowadays, however, show restrictions, such as immense computing time (e.g. 2 weeks for a flood wave of the March), and other software is necessary for the data processing. The simulation itself is only the basis for many other necessary working steps for the final results, which are then available as plans.
Since 2015, RIOCOM is one of the partners of VRVis, the research center for visual computing. Together, we develop Visdom. This software integrates enormously fast runoff-simulation, innovative visualization and measures analysis in one application.
More information about Visdom: