Engineering office for environmental engineering
and water management
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Schwingshandl
Rivergate Office Center
Handelskai 92
1200 Vienna
Phone: 0043 1 494 16 87 0
Fax: 0043 1 494 16 87 30
Mobile: 0043 699 195 68 038
Please ask for a Visitor′s Badge!
At the information desk you will receive a visitor’s badge by the concierge. With this badge you must pass the revolving door to get access to the elevators. Inside the elevator, please hold your badge in front of the grey area next to the floors, then press the button for the second floor.
By car
The area around the Rivergate is subject to charges for a short term parking zone. There is a car park for visitors inside the Rivergate. You will find the entrance left to “Stromstraße” about 50m after the intersection with Handelskai. The elevator in the garage leads directly to the information desk. Plan your route with Google Maps.
By public transport
U6, S1, S2, S3, S4, S7, S45, Autobus Linie 5A, 11A, 11B
After leaving the underground or train station, you will see the Rivergate building on the right side next to the station. Inside the building next to the Danube called “Donau Atrium”, you will find the information desk.