A workshop by RIOCOM delivered two innovative prototypes
Based on a comprehensive problem analysis through interviews with mayors, RIOCOM organized an innovation workshop around the question:
How can we support municipalities and farmers in joint water management?
Experts from agriculture, regional development, water management and participation met for a day to develop solutions. Despite very high temperatures on this hot summer day, the teams successfully developed two tangible, vivid prototypes for participatory formats within a few hours.
One prototype symbolized the idea of an experience-oriented exhibition about the waters and land use in the respective region and encouraged participants to develop their own ideas and visions for water management.
The second prototype visualized an event format to bring together administration, science and practice for constructive exchange and vision building.
We would like to thank all participants, KLAR! managers and mayors for their valuable input and WAFF for funding the workshop as part of the project “Fit für den Klimawandel durch wirksame Kommunikation”.